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. 2024 Jun 6;22(6):e8814. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2024.8814
References Risk of bias domains a Tier b
Exposure KEY Outcome KEY Confounding KEY Inappropriate selection Attrition Other sources of bias/statistics
Houtkooper et al. ( 1995 ) ++ ++ + + NR + 1
Chan et al. ( 2011 ) NR + + NR – – 2
de Jonge et al. ( 2015 ) + NR ++ ++ + 2
Kaptoge et al. ( 2003 ) + + + ++ + + 1
Macdonald et al. ( 2004 ) ++ ++ + ++ + 1
Promislow et al. ( 2002 ) + + + + – – + 1
Rejnmark et al. ( 2004 ) + ++ ++ ++ + + 1
Sugiura et al. ( 2016 ) ++ + NR NR 2

Expert judgement was translated into a rating scale for each question to be answered as follows: (++): definitely low RoB; (+): probably low RoB; (NR): not reported; (−): probably high RoB; (− −): definitively high RoB.


The individual rating for each question was combined by an algorithm and translated to an overall tier of reliability for each individual study (RoB tier 1: low RoB; RoB tier 2: moderate RoB; RoB tier 3: high RoB).