(a) Schematic illustration of active DW
spacing control device.
The bar across the racetrack is used for the bias point. This, in
principle, can be placed under or over the racetrack. (b) Electrical
potential along the racetrack upon application of Vbias. x0 indicates the bias
point. Upon reverse bias, the applied pulse amplitude (forward motion)
is lower than the threshold level. This stops the motion of the DW
into the bias region. (c) DWM with 8 V; 5 ns; 100 pulses at zero bias.
White and orange bars indicate the starting and end points of the
DW motion. After placing the DW to the original position, the same
pulses were injected upon application of bias (d) −1, (e) −2,
(f) −3, (g) −4, (h) −5, and (i) −6 V.
At zero bias, the DW was shifted 29 μm upon 100 injected pulses,
so that vCIDWM = 58 m s–1. As the reverse bias is increased, the vCIDWM in the biased region was found to be 58 m s–1,
50 m s–1, 42 m s–1, 10 m s–1, and 0 m s–1 with Vbias = −1, −2, −3, −4, −5,
and −6 V, respectively. (j) Note that even after injecting
1000 pulses, the DW stays at the bias point. This confirms that the
DW does not propagate into the bias region at Vbias = −6 V.