Extended Data Fig. 7. Vigilance-state percentages for the sleep photometry experiments.
During the sleep experiments, mice were first sleep deprived by placing novel objects in their cage and after 5 hours were then allowed to sleep. The photometry measurements during the WAKE state were carried out during the five hours of sleep deprivation, where the WAKE state occurred, on average, 92% of the time (8% NREM and 0% REM). The photometry measurements during the SLEEP state were carried out after the first sleep episode following sleep deprivation. During the first five hours the vigilance state percentages were: WAKE 9.3% (n = 11 mice), NREM 80.8% (n = 13 mice), REM 9.9% (n = 13 mice), TOTAL SLEEP 90.7% (n = 13 mice). Sleep scoring of vigilance states was carried out as described in Methods. The errors bars represent SEMs.