Extended Data Fig. 2. The time course of M(t) (equation [5]) is sensitive to values of D and σ, but insensitive to values of R.
a, The time course of M(t)/M(0) for values of D from 20–120 μm2 s−1. b, Corresponding half times of M(t)/M(0) over the same range of D showing that the half times change greatly with D. c, Corresponding half times of M(t)/M(0) over the same range of D showing that the half times change greatly with σ. d, Corresponding half times of M(t)/M(0) over the same range of D showing that the half times change little with R. Derivation of equation [5]. The total number of mols M(t) of fluorescent dye in a hemisphere of radius R, is given by equation [2] multiplied by the area of a hemisphere (2πr2), integrated from 0→R (because we have assumed that the volume being recorded from is a hemisphere of radius R): This can be written as: , where and Integrating by parts gives: Using the standard integral: , we have so, finally, substituting in a and b we have Equation [5]: .