Figure S5. STAT3 inhibition disrupts the STAT3/PKR complex and activates pro-autophagic gene transcription in muscle stem cells (MuSCs).
(A) Schematic representation of MuSC isolation from 2 (young) WT mice not treated (NT) or treated with the STAT3i. MuSCs were isolated 3 d.p.i. (B) Proximity ligation assay (Alexa Fluor 594 dye, red) for STAT3 and PKR in MuSCs. Quantification of the percentage of the proximity dots for each nucleus (n = 3; 20 MuSCs per biological sample were counted; values represent the mean ± s.d., ***P < 0.001 by a t test). (C) qRT–PCR for Atg9A, Bnip3, Ulk1, Becn, and Lc3 normalized for Gapdh was used as a housekeeping gene (n = 3; values represent the mean ± s.d., *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 by a t test).