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Table 2.

Summary for the detected alterations of the Tslc1 (tumor suppressor in lung cancer 1) and Dal‐1 (differentially expressed in adenocarcinoma of the lung) genes

Samples Tslc1 Dal‐1
mRNA expression DNA methylation Protein abnormality mRNA expression DNA methylation
HCC1 Expressed Unmethylated ND Expressed Unmethylated
HCC2 Expressed Expressed
HCC3 Expressed Expressed
HCC4 Reduced Methylated Reduced Expressed
HCC5 Reduced Methylated Reduced Expressed Unmethylated
HCC6 Expressed ND Expressed
HCC7 Expressed Expressed
HCC8 Reduced Methylated Reduced Expressed
HCC9 Expressed Expressed
HCC10 Expressed Expressed

–, not evaluated; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; ND, not detected.