Methylation of PCDH10 promoter was closely related to cervical carcinogenesis. (a) Representive methylation‐specific‐PCR (MS‐PCR) results are shown indicating that only unmethylated (U) PCDH10 was noted in cervical scrapings from the normal control and patients with low‐grade squamous intra‐epithelial lesion (LSIL), but both U and methylated (M) PCDH10 were noted from patients with carcinoma in situ (CIS) (high‐grade squamous intra‐epithelial lesion; HSIL), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and adenocarcinoma (AdenoCA). White blood cell (WBC) treated with SssI methylase served as the methylation control, and untreated WBC served as the U control. (b) The detailed methylation status of the 27 CpG sites (indicated by circles) located at the promoter of the PCDH10 gene were determined in representative samples. Both cervical scrapings (W) and tissues (T) of SCC and AdenoCA showed extensive methylation of almost all CpG sites, with the proportion of methylation higher in SCC than AdenoCA. M and U CpG sites are shown by closed and open circles respectively. The arrow signified the expected location of the PCR product. NC, normal tissue from non‐cancer organ of cancer patient; NN, normal tissue from non‐cancer patient; NNC, normal tissue next to cervical cancer.