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Table 1.

List of genes with specific regards to the apoptosis pathway influenced by cyclin A1 siRNA

Genes GenBank accession no. Ratio (12 h) Ratio (24 h) Ratio (48 h)
Upregulated genes
Apoptosis: The Extrinsic Pathway
TNF receptor superfamily, member 5 AA886208 14 7.67 5
TNF (ligand) superfamily, member 10 H54629 −4.44 121.41 169.71
TNF receptor‐associated factor 1 R71691 −3.08 36.13 46.25
Downregulated genes
Apoptosis: The Intrinsic Pathway
BCL2‐antagonist of cell death AA460291 −0.73 −1.16 −2.00
BCL2‐associated athanogene 5 AI765232 −0.74 −0.86 −1.63
Apoptosis inhibitor 5 AI972925 4.83 −14.50 −16.67
Death‐associated transcription factor 1 AA004823 1.19 −0.48 −3.86
Defender against cell death 1 AA455281 −0.27 −3.13 −4.33
E2F transcription factor 1* AA424950 −0.25 −0.89 −2.58
Catenin (cadherin‐associated protein), alpha‐like 1 AA621315 0.20 −0.37 −0.53
HDAC1 * AA465353 0.58 −0.96 −3.42
HDAC3 * H79779 2.00 1.44 −0.44
Apoptosis: The Common Pathway
Baculoviral IAP repeat‐containing 5 (survivin)* AA460685 1.00 −4.13 −12.07
Baculoviral IAP repeat‐containing 2 AA702174 −0.09 −0.78 −0.79
Oncogenes v‐myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog‐like 2 AA457034 −2.78 −5.56 −11.06
V‐rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A AA443547 0.67 0.03 −2.41
Cullin 2 AA454094 −0.43 −0.73 −4.73
Forkhead box O1A (rhabdomyosarcoma) AA448277 0.57 −1.10 −2.16
Dual specificity phosphatase 6 AA455254 −2.57 −3.29 −5.81
Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2 A), catalytic subunit, alpha isoform AA599092 2.10 −1.29 −3.57
Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2 A), regulatory subunit A (PR 65), alpha isoform AA427433 −0.33 −8.17 −25.67
Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2 A), regulatory subunit A (PR 65), beta isoform H57850 0.93 −4.47 −7.47
Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2 A), regulatory subunit A (PR 65), beta isoform H99771 1.15 0.05 −1.52
Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2 A), catalytic subunit, beta isoform AA490473 0.20 −0.80 −0.82

Log2R/G ratio (R: Cy‐5, red intensity; G: Cy‐3, green intensity; P < 0.05).