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Table 4.

Death rates by duration of smoking among current male smokers of 20 cigarettes per day, Three‐Prefecture Study in Japan compared to the Cancer Prevention Study II in the USA

Attained age (years) Three‐Prefecture Duration* CPS‐II Duration Rate ratio Duration
30–39 40–49 50 + 30–39 40–49 50 + 30–39 40–49 50 +
50–59  42.0 143.1 267.3  483.1 0.29
60–69 119.0 170.1 215.7 452.3  848.5 0.55 0.38
70–79 180.5 142.1 590.6 455.9 702.1 1149.0 0.40 0.20 0.51

Duration of smoking was fixed at enrollment. ––, no lung cancer deaths observed (Three‐Prefecture cohort study), or no data available because of five or fewer deaths observed (Cancer Prevention Study II).