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Table 2.

Univariate analysis of overall and disease‐free survival rates

Prognostic indicator Overall survival (n = 170) Disease‐free survival (n = 170)
Risk ratio 95% Confidence interval P‐value Risk ratio 95% Confidence interval P‐value
Depth of invasion
 T1–2/3–4 2.475 1.255–4.878 0.009 2.294 1.179–4.464 0.015
Lymph node involvement
 Present/absent 3.293 1.621–6.691 0.001 4.003 1.804–8.884 0.001
Blood vessel invasion
 v +/– 2.031 1.071–3.849 0.030 2.570 1.205–5.479 0.015
Lymphatic vessel invasion
 Ly +/– 2.679 4.966–7.432 0.058 4.200 1.019–17.323 0.047
HIF‐1α expression
 High score/low score 1.554 0.903–2.624 0.112 1.963 1.078–3.573 0.027

Hypoxia‐inducible factor (HIF)‐1α protein scores were classified as follows: The intensity of cytoplasmic staining was scored as absent, weak, moderate, and strong. The extent of cytoplasmic staining was expressed as the percentage of positive cancer cells, from 0 to 100%. Tumors were scored using a four‐scale system according to the intensity and extent of staining. Score 1: tumors with absent or weak cytoplasmic reactivity and no nuclear staining; score 2: tumors with moderate or strong cytoplasmic reactivity in a percentage of positive cancer cells lower than the mean value, and with no nuclear staining; score 3: tumors with moderate or strong cytoplasmic reactivity in a percentage of positive cancer cells higher than the mean value; score 4: tumors with a clear nuclear reactivity (with or without cytoplasmic reactivity and regardless of the intensity). Tumors with scores 1 and 2 for HIF‐1α immunostaining were classified as the low‐score group, while tumors with scores 3 and 4 were classified as the high‐score group.