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Table 1.

Lung cancer mortality rates (per 100 000 person‐years) among male never smokers and current smokers who started smoking at age 18–22 years by attained age (attained age, 40–89 years)

Attained age (years) Never smokers Current smokers
Person‐years No. lung cancer deaths Lung cancer mortality rate (95% CI) Person‐years No. lung cancer deaths Lung cancer mortality rate (95% CI)
40–49  48 311.6  5  10.3 (1.3–19.4) 117 444.4  17  14.5 (7.6–21.4)
50–59  95 595.2 13  13.6 (6.2–21.0) 172 110.1  81  47.1 (36.8–57.3)
60–69  66 781.6 30  44.9 (28.8–61.0) 128 517.5 258 200.8 (176.3–225.3)
70–79  27 207.1 28 102.9 (64.8–141.0)  48 321.8 261 540.1 (474.6–605.7)
80–89    7817.8 11 140.7 (57.6–223.9)    6951.4  67 963.8 (733.0–1194.6)
Total 245 713.3 87  35.4 (28.0–42.8) 473 345.2 684 144.5 (133.7–155.3)

CI, confidence interval.