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Table 2.

Correlation between insulin‐like growth factor receptor type 1 (IGF1R), epidermal growth factor receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 overexpression with clinicopathological parameters and hormone receptor status in breast cancer

Parameter Total Cases
n % n % n %
Total 150 71 47 12  8 23 15
Hormone receptor status
 ER+  77 48 62*  0  0  2  3
 ER  73 23 32 12 16 21 29
 PgR+  87 54 62 §  1  1  6  7**
 PgR  63 17 27 11 17 17 27
Hormone receptor status combined
 ER+/PgR+  63 42 67 ††  0  0 ‡‡  2  3 §§
 ER+/PgR  14  6 43  0  0  0  0
 ER/PgR+  24 12 50  1  4  4 17
 ER/PgR  49 11 22 11 22 17 35
Histological grade
 Invasive ductal carcinoma 130 58 45 11  8 18 14
 Ductal carcinoma in situ  15  8 53  1  7  5 33
 Invasive lobular carcinoma   5  3 60  0  0  0  0
Nuclear grade
 Grade 1  17 12 71 ¶¶  0  0***  2 12
 Grade 2  84 42 50  2  2 10 12
 Grade 3  49 17 35 10 20 11 22
Age (years)
 <50  57 21 37  6 11  9 16
 ≥50  93 50 54  6  6 14 15
Tumor size (cm)
 <2.0  42 15 36  3  7  8 19
 ≥2.0 108 56 52  9  8 15 14
Lymph node status
 Positive  52 23 44  6 12  7 13
 Negative  77 33 43  4  5 14 18
 Unknown  21 15 71  2 10  2 10

P = 0.0005,

P < 0.0001 and

P < 0.0001 between estrogen receptor (ER)‐positive and ER‐negative cases;


P < 0.0001,

P < 0.0001 and


P = 0.0007 between progesterone receptor (PgR)‐positive and PgR‐negative cases;


P = 0.002,


P < 0.0001 and


P = 0.003 between ER‐ and/or PgR‐positive cases and double‐negative ER and PgR cases;


P = 0.03,


P = 0.026 between the grade 1, 2 and 3 cases.