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Figure 1.

Figure 1

Immunoblots and densitometric determination of expression of CYP protein in esophagus (left) and liver (right) microsomes from rats treated with NMBA, curcumin or both. Both microsomes were pooled from five rats treated with vehicle (lane 1) or 0.5 mg/kg NMBA (lane 2) three times per week for 5 weeks, 0.05% (lane 3) or 0.2% (lane 4) curcumin for 6 weeks, and NMBA + 0.05% (lane 5) or + 0.2% (lane 6) curcumin. Lane 7 contains CYP standards from male Sprague–Dawley rats treated with PB (A and D), acetone (B) or MC (C). Liver microsomes contain 0.4 µg (A–C) and 1.0 µg (D) microsomal protein, and the values represent means ± SD of pmol/mg microsomal protein obtained from four experiments. Esophagus microsomes (A, B) contain 30 µg microsomal protein, and the values represent means ± SD of the ratio to arbitrary units obtained with the vehicle group. n.d., not detected.