Figure 1.
Two cases of patients treated with cell wall skeleton of Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette‐Guérin (BCG‐CWS) after surgery without lymphadenectomy. (a,b) An incidental case (case 4 in Supporting Information Table 1, clear cell adenocarcinoma, T1aN0M0, stage 1a). (a) The tumor markers CA125 and CA19‐9 were reduced after surgery and remained within normal levels while the patient was alive and free of disease. (b) HE, ×60. Clear cell adenocarcinoma showing a typical hob‐nail appearance (arrowheads), which has the worst prognosis among ovarian cancers. (c,d) An intentional case (case 27 in Supporting Information Table 1, serous papillary adenocarcinoma, T2cN1M0, stage IIc). This ovarian cancer patient had surgery and was subsequently treated with BCG‐CWS alone without chemotherapy. She is alive in a disease‐free state 6 years later. (c) The levels of tumor markers remained within the normal range after surgery. (d) HE, ×60. Serous papillary adenocarcinoma of moderate atypia (arrowheads).