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Table 2.

Healthy life years lost (HeaLY) results of major cancers due to smoking in Korea (2001)

Cancer Men Women
n % n % n % n %
Lip, oral cavity, pharynx  19.8 20.6  76.4  79.4   96.2  1.2  7.6  14.9 92.4  16.1
Esophagus  46.9 21.3 172.9  78.7  219.8  2.4  4.1  55.7 95.9  58.1
Pancreas  27.6 48.1  29.7  51.9   57.3  4.1 63.5   2.3 36.5   6.4
Larynx  22.7 43.1  29.9  56.9   52.5  2.7 48.9   2.8 51.1   5.5
Trachea, lung, bronchus 311.8 63.7 177.9  36.3  489.7 47.1 55.5  37.8 44.5  84.9
Cervix uteri NA NA NA  2.7 12.3  19.3 87.7  22.0
Urinary bladder   0.0  0.0  28.9 100.0   39.7  0.6 38.7   1.0 61.3   1.6
Kidney, other urinary  10.8 20.0  34.5  80.0   43.5  0.2 18.6   0.7 81.4   0.9
Stomach 160.6 51.7 146.3  48.3  306.8 20.3 25.2  60.2 74.8  80.5
Liver  69.9 30.7 157.8  69.3  227.7  3.0 12.7  20.5 87.3  23.5
Colorectal  20.3 13.7 127.8  76.3  148.1  2.4 17.1  11.7 82.9  14.1
Total 699.3 41.6 982.0  58.4 1681.3 86.7 27.6 226.9 72.4 313.6

Units are person‐years per 100 000 people. NA, not applicable; YHLL, years of healthy life lost; YHLLd, years of healthy life lost due to disability; YHLLpm, years of healthy life lost from premature mortality.