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Table 3.

Comparison of burden of major cancers due to smoking in Korean men (2001)

Cancer DALY DALY rank HeaLY HeaLY rank
Stomach 497.8  1 306.8  2
Trachea, lung, bronchus 480.9  2 489.7  1
Liver 255.4  3 227.7  3
Colorectal 225.9  4 148.1  5
Esophagus 182.9  5 219.8  4
Lip, oral cavity, pharynx 100.5  6 96.2  6
Urinary bladder  56.2  7 43.5  9
Pancreas  52.7  8 57.3  7
Larynx  41.2  9 52.5  8
Kidney, other urinary  36.6 10 39.7 10

Units are person‐years per 100 000 people. DALY, disability adjusted life years; HeaLY, healthy life years lost.