Figure 2.
Expression levels of oxysterol binding protein‐related protein (ORP)‐5 in hamster and human pancreatic cancer cell lines. PC1 was hamster pancreatic cancer cell line with a low potential for invasion and metastasis, and PC1.0 was hamster pancreatic cancer cell line with a high potential for invasion and metastasis. (a) ORP5 expression in the hamster pancreatic cancer cell lines PC1.0 and PC1 after transfection of short interfering RNA (siRNA) or expression vector. ORP5 was expressed at a high level in the PC1.0 cells and at a low level in the PC1 cells, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Transfection of ORP5 siRNA into PC1.0 cells resulted in a significant decrease in the expression level of ORP5 at 48–72 h after transfection. Transfection of pcDNA/hamORP5 into PC1 cells resulted in a significant increase in the expression level of ORP5 at 24–72 h after transfection. (b) The expression levels of ORP5 in human pancreatic cancer cell lines. At both the mRNA and protein level, ORP5 was expressed at a high level in Capan1, Capan2, and Panc1 cells, at a moderate level in the MiaPaCa2 cells, and at a low level in the Hs700T cells. (c) ORP5 expression in the human pancreatic cancer cell lines Capan2 and Hs700T after transfection of siRNA or expression vector. ORP5 was expressed at a high level in the Capan2 cells, but at a low level in the Hs700T cells, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Transfection of ORP5 siRNA into Capan2 cells resulted in a significant decrease in the expression level of ORP5 at 48–72 h after transfection. Transfection of pcDNA/huORP5 into Hs700T cells resulted in a significant increase in the expression level of ORP5 at 24–72 h after transfection. (d) The ORP5 stable transfectant cells (PC1 + ORP5 or Hs700T + ORP5) showed high expression levels of ORP5, and the LacZ stable transfectant cells (PC1 + LacZ or Hs700T + LacZ) showed low expression levels of ORP5. GAPDH, glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase; RT‐PCR, reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction.