(A) Heatmap of PFC gene expression profiles obtained from tissue collected 24 hours after a single injection of psilocybin and/or ketanserin. (B-E) Volcano plots depicting differential gene expression in the PFC between vehicle treated animals and treatment with 3.0 mg/kg psilocybin (B), 3.0 mg/kg ketanserin (C), 3.0 mg/kg psilocybin and ketanserin (D), or 1.0 mg/kg psilocybin (E). (F) Venn diagram of total genes regulated by psilocybin and/or ketanserin in the PFC and the number of genes regulated by more than one treatment group. (G-H) RRHO plots were generated to compare all gene expression data between animals treated with 3.0 mg/kg psilocybin and 1.0 mg/kg psilocybin (G), 3.0 mg/kg ketanserin and 3.0 mg/kg psilocybin (H), 3.0 mg/kg ketanserin + 3.0 mg/kg psilocybin and psilocybin 3mg/kg alone (I), or 3.0 mg/kg ketanserin + 3.0 mg/kg psilocybin and ketanserin 3mg/kg alone (J). Lower left quadrant represents genes up-regulated in both groups while upper right quadrant represents genes down-regulated in both groups. (K) Gene ontology, KEGG pathway analysis and Uniprot cellular compartments of genes regulated in the PFC following a single exposure of 3.0 mg/kg psilocybin in drug-naïve animals. n=4/group.