Figure 3. CRISPR in phage genomes of notable interest. A: CRISPR array and operons from a six-CRISPR-encoding viral element and B: CRISPR array and operons from all CRISPR-encoding megaphages.
Cas protein interference/effector modules are noted in yellow and CRISPR arrays are denoted by clusters of vertical black lines. Unknown genes are dark grey, and putative TnpB homologs are light grey. All predicted interference/effector modules were considered speculative annotations [48] and are indicated by reduced opacity and parentheses around the predicted protein name. The most closely related Cas subtype classification is noted in each case, followed by the coordinates of each CRISPR array on each phage genome. ORFs proximal to predicted CRISPR arrays are numbered in order of occurrence within a single genetic element. In some cases, CRISPR arrays/CRISPR-Cas operons and their surrounding regions overlap with one another, resulting in ORFs depicted more than once in the figure. This image was generated using CRISPRCasTyper and processed using Affinity Designer.