Fig. 3 |. Shared and divergent metabolic properties in cultured cells, mice and patients.
Comparison of data from published studies is shown. In all graphs, bars represent means of different cell lines, tumour models or individual patients, and error bars represent highest and lowest values in the study. P-values are from two-tailed t-tests comparing cell lines with mouse tumours or cell lines with patient samples. Neither of these comparisons includes healthy tissues. The sources of data in this figure are summarized in Supplementary Table 1. a, Contribution of glucose to the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, calculated as the fraction of carbons in malate labelled from [U-13C]glucose. For mouse and patient tissues and tumours, this is normalized to the fraction of carbons labelled in serum glucose. p = 0.87, cell lines versus mouse tumours and p = 0.50, cell lines versus human patient tumours. b, Pyruvate carboxylase contribution to the TCA cycle, calculated as the fraction of m + 3 malate from [U-13C]glucose. For mouse and patient tissues and tumours, this is normalized to the fraction of carbons labelled in serum glucose. p = 0.74, mouse tumours compared with cell lines; p = 0.53, human tumours compared with cell lines. c, Fraction of serine synthesized from [13C]glucose. For mouse and patient tissues and tumours, this is normalized to the fraction of carbons labelled in tissue 3-phosphoglycerate. p = 0.47 comparing cell lines with human patient tumours. d, Contribution of lactate to the TCA cycle, calculated as the fraction of carbons in malate labelled from [U-13C]lactate, normalized to the fraction of carbons labelled in serum lactate. e, Contribution of glutamine to the TCA cycle, calculated as the fraction of carbons in malate labelled from [U-13C]glutamine. For mouse and patient tissues and tumours, this is normalized to the fraction of carbons labelled in serum glutamine. p = 0.001, comparing cell lines with mouse tumours, excluding the cell line grown with low cystine. ccRCC, clear cell renal cell carcinoma; iBMK, immortalized baby mouse kidney epithelial cell line; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer; PDAC, pancreatic adenocarcinoma; TNBC, triple-negative breast cancer.