Table 1.
Author, year | Study design, years | aGvHD (n. of pediatric patients) | cGvHD (n. of pediatric patients) | Pediatric only vs mixed population | N. of patients < 12 years of age | Included in < 18 years analysis | Included in single-patient < 12 years analysisa | Quality assessmente |
Khandelwal, 2017 | Retrospective, monocentric, 2013–2016 | Acute (11) | / | Pediatric only | 8 | Yes | Yes | high |
Gonzalez Vicent, 2018 | Retrospective, monocentric, 2016–2018 | Acute (13) | chronic (9) | Pediatric only | 11 + 8 | Yesg | No | intermediate |
Schoettler, 2019 | Retrospective, monocentric, 2010–2018 | / | Chronic [BOS] (4) | Pediatric and adult | 3 | Yes | Yes | intermediate |
Uygun, 2020 | Retrospective, monocentric, 2014–2018 | Acute (13) | Chronic (16) | Pediatric only | 10 + 9 | Yes | Yesf | intermediate |
Laisne, 2020 | Retrospective, multicentric (15 centers, France), 2014–2017 | Acute (29) | / | Pediatric only | 25 | Yes | Yesf | intermediate |
Meng, 2020 | Retrospective, monocentric, 2017–2019 | Acute (3) | / | Pediatric and adult | 1 | Yes | Yes | intermediate |
Moiseev, 2020 | Prospective, single-center open-label study (NCT0 2997280); 2016–2018 | Acute (17) | Chronic (17) | Pediatric and adult | N/A | Yesd | No | high |
Escamilla Gomez, 2020 | Retrospective, multicentric (13 centers, Spain), 2015–2017 | Acute (N/A) | chronic (N/A) | Pediatric and adult | 5 + 6b | No | Yesf | intermediate |
Mozo, 2021 | Retrospective, multicentric (2 centers, Spain), 2017–2018 | Acute (8) | Chronic (12) | Pediatric only | N/A | Yes | No | intermediate |
Yang, 2021 | Retrospective, monocentric, 2017–2019 | Acute (17) | Chronic (36) | Pediatric only | 30c | Yes | Yesf | low |
Wei, 2021 | Retrospective, monocentric, 2017–2020 | Acute (4) | Chronic (1) | Pediatric and adult | 1 + 1 | Yesd | Yesf | intermediate |
Marcuzzi, 2022 | Retrospective, monocentric, N/A | Acute (6) | Chronic (6) | Pediatric only | N/A | Yes | No | low |
Wang, 2022 | Retrospective, monocentric N/A | / | Chronic (16) | Pediatric and adult | 7 | Yes | Yes | intermediate |
aGvHD acute graft versus host disease, BOS bronchiolitis obliterans, cGvHD chronic graft versus host disease, N/A not available, n. number.
aonly studies with available data regarding single patients <12 years were included in this analysis. Investigators and corresponding authors were contacted in order to obtain this information.
bdata regarding pediatric patients have not been provided in the paper but corresponding author provided specific data about <12 years patients and thus they were included in the single patient analysis <12 years.
cspecific data for aGvHD versus cGvHD were not available for <12 years patients of this study.
dno specific data were available for pediatric patients included but authors provided a statistical analysis the revealed no significant difference between pediatric and adult patients in the two studies.
eQuality assessed using the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) for observational cohorts.
fSingle patient <12 years data provided by the corresponding authors.
gnumber of patients <12 years was assumed by Ruxolitinib doses administered but single patient data were not available for this paper.