F11 |
Mental and behavioural disorders due to: opioids |
F13 |
Mental and behavioural disorders due to: sedatives/hypnotics |
F14 |
Mental and behavioural disorders due to: cocaine |
F15 |
Mental and behavioural disorders due to: other stimulants |
F19 |
Mental and behavioural disorders due to: multiple/other drugs |
T40.0 |
Poisoning by narcotics: Opium |
T40.1 |
Poisoning by narcotics: Heroin |
T40.3 |
Poisoning by narcotics: Methadone |
T40.5 |
Poisoning by narcotics: Cocaine |
T40.6 |
Poisoning by narcotics: Unspecified narcotics |
Codes below must also have codes F11, F13-15, F19 in the same CIS |
T40.2 |
Poisoning by narcotics: other opioids |
T42.2 |
Poisoning by antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic and antiparkinson drugs: benzodiazapines |
I33 |
Acute and subacute infective endocarditis |
L02 |
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified |
L03 |
Cellulitis |
L08 |
Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
I80 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis |
A40 |
Septicaemia due to streptococcus |
A41 |
Other sepsis |
A49.0, A49.1 |
Staphylococcal or streptococcal of unspecified site |
M86 |
Osteomyelitis |
A35 |
Other tetanus |
M72.6 |
Necrotizing fasciitis |
R22.2–R22.9 |
Localised swelling, mass and lump on neck, trunk, upper limb, lower limb, multiple sites or unspecified |
L97 |
Ulcer of lower limb, not elsewhere classified |
L98.8 |
Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue, not elsewhere classified: Other specified disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
L98.4 |
Chronic ulcer of the skin, not elsewhere specified |
M79.8, M79.9 |
Other or unspecified soft tissue disorder |