Fig. 5. ESYT1 overexpression rescues bona fide inhibitory synapses on motor neurons.
a–e Inhibitory presynaptic marker Vgat and inhibitory postsynaptic marker Gephyrin co-localize in motor neurons of WT mice. e Co-localization of Vgat and Gephyrin is shown in the correlation scatterplot. f–i Both markers are downregulated in SOD1G93A mice at P112, (j) correlation scatterplot shows dramatic decrease of Vgat and Gephyrin co-localization in the SOD1G93A mice. k–o Co-localization of Vgat and Gephyrin in motor neurons of En1cre mice upon ESYT1 overexpression. p–t Rescue of Vgat and Gephyrin expression in SOD1G93A;En1cre mice overexpressing ESYT1. t Correlation scatterplot shows increased co-localization of Vgat and Gephyrin in the SOD1G93A;En1cre condition. u Quantifications of the area where Vgat and Gephyrin are found co-localized in the different conditions (One-way ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD post hoc Vgat: P = 0.003; Gephyrin: P = 0.003, WT = 3, En1cre N = 2, SOD1G93A N = 4, SOD1G93A;En1cre N = 3). v Both pre- and postsynaptic inhibitory markers colocalize as indicated by Pearson’s correlation; SOD1G93A;En1cre mice show higher colocalization than SOD1G93A mice and similar to WT and En1cre controls (One-way ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD post hoc: P = 0.006, WT = 3, En1cre N = 2, SOD1G93A N = 4, SOD1G93A;En1cre N = 3). All graphs show mean values ± SEM. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.