Fig. 4. Motion characterization of Au-stomatocytes.
a Schematic illustration of light triggered motility of Au-stomatocytes. b Mean square displacement (MSD) of Au-stomatocytes, and control groups (pure stomatocytes, 300 nm Au NPs, and Au-polymersomes). c Corresponding motion trajectories of different samples upon laser irradiation (1 W). d Diffusion coefficients of Au-stomatocytes as a function of output laser power, data represent mean ± SD for n = 3 independent samples, Error bars represent the standard deviation (n = 3). e MSDs of Au-stomatocytes as a function of output laser power. f Trajectories of Au-stomatocytes upon laser irradiation with different output laser power. g Controllable movement direction of Au-stomatocytes under laser illumination (660 nm, 1.5 W). h MSD of Au-stomatocytes with cyclic motion during five cycles of on-off laser irradiation. i MSD of Au-stomatocytes in different media (pure water, PBS, DMEM) upon laser irradiation (660 nm, 1.5 W).