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. 2024 May 18;36:100352. doi: 10.1016/j.jcte.2024.100352

Table 2.

Time course and verapamil dosing for participants developing AV block.

Case 1: 11-year-old, 31 kg at randomization
Weeks since verapamil started Baseline 6 24* 27
Verapamil (mg) [mg/kg] 0 120 [3.4] 240 [6.2] 0
PR interval on ECG (ms) 136 124 340 130
ECG report Normal Normal 1st degree heart block Normal
Blood Pressure (mmHG) Systolic/Diastolic** 99/54 116/57 107/59 107/59
Heart Rate (bpm)** 99 102 79 79

Case 2: 17-year-old, 96 kg at randomization
Weeks since verapamil started Baseline 5 22 22 + 1 day 26 49
Verapamil (mg) [mg/kg] 0 240 [2.5] 360 [3.9] 0 0 360 [3.6]
PR interval on ECG 155 151 N/A 154 150 269
ECG report Normal Normal 2nd degree AV block, type 1 (Wenckebach) Normal Normal Prolonged PR
Blood Pressure (mmHG) Systolic/Diastolic** 108/58 108/58 106/59 106/59 106/59 107/57
Heart Rate (bpm)** 64 64 78 78 78 64

Case 3: 13-year-old, 46 kg at randomization
Weeks since verapamil started Baseline 6† 10 22
Verapamil (mg) [mg/kg] 0 180 [3.5] 120 [2.3] 120 [2.2]
PR Interval 178 220 156 164
ALT (1035) 43 75 53 20
AST (<44) 37 39 45 24
ECG report Normal 1st degree AV block Normal Normal
Blood Pressure (mmHG) Systolic/Diastolic** 95/52 119/58 109/69 99/50
Heart Rate (bpm)** 69 68 79 77

Case 4: 18-year-old, 63 kg, started verapamil in extension study after receiving placebo in RCT with verapamil overdose and acute cardiotoxicity
Timeline Baseline at study enrollment 6 weeks post max dose 12 h post admit 36 hrs post admit 72 hrs post admit
Verapamil (mg) [mg/kg] 0 360[5.8]*** 0 0 0
PR interval 145 0 147 131 125
ECG report L anterior fascicular block. Axis deviation suggestive of endocardial cushion defect Junctional rhythm RBBB and LPFB nonspecific st and t wave changes Sinus bradycardia left axis deviation nonspecific t wave changes Sinus rhythm left anterior fascicular block nonspecific t wave changes Sinus rhythm early transition nonspecific t wave changes
Blood Pressure (mmHG) Systolic/Diastolic** 121/74 70/30 110/51 120/66 133/76
Heart Rate 89 43 47 55 86
Treatment Atropine Norepinephrine Dopamine Dopamine Dopamine

*Decision made by investigator to stop verapamil (masked decision).

†ALT elevated and PR prolonged, so dose decreased to 120 mg for duration of study.

**Most recent measurement shown.

***This dose was unintentionally doubled on day of admission