Table 4.
GO MOMs visits and procedures
Screening visit | V1: 10w0d–14w0d gestation | V2: 16w0d–20w0d gestation | V3: 24w0d–28w0d gestation | V4: 32w0d–36w0d gestation | Delivery | Chart abstraction: 30d–90d after delivery | Remote follow-up: 4w0d–12w6d after delivery | |
Ultrasound, estimated delivery date (can occur at screening or V1) | ||||||||
10-day CGM | ||||||||
2-hour 75-gram OGTT, with fasting and hourly timed samples | ||||||||
3-hour 100-gram OGTT, with fasting and hourly timed samples | ||||||||
Non-fasting blood sample | ||||||||
Maternal urine | ||||||||
Maternal height | ||||||||
Maternal weight | ||||||||
Maternal interview | ||||||||
Newborn birth weight, length, flank skinfold, abdominal circumference | ||||||||
Medical chart abstraction |
CGM, continuous glucose monitor; d, days; GO MOMs, Glycemic Observation and Metabolic Outcomes in Mothers and Offspring; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; V1, visit 1; V2, visit 2; V3, visit 3; V4, visit 4; w, weeks.