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. 2021 Jul 9;9(2):eESP-0001-2020. doi: 10.1128/ecosalplus.ESP-0001-2020


Sample snapshot of the internal_state object during a whole-cell simulationa

Type Molecule ID Data
BulkMolecules WATER[c] Total count: 18,512,198,212
ATP[c] Total count: 1,192,909
APORNAP-CPLX[c] Total count: 3,151
UniqueMolecules activeRnaPoly Molecule 1: {“rnaIndex”: 152, “transcriptLength”: 189}
Molecule 2: {“rnaIndex”: 819, “transcriptLength”: 619}
activeRibosome Molecule 1: {“proteinIndex”: 2912, “peptideLength”: 38}
Molecule 2: {“proteinIndex”: 919, “peptideLength”: 91}

Molecules constituting the internal_state can be divided into two types, BulkMolecules and UniqueMolecules, depending on whether the individual molecules can be distinguished from one another based on their unique attributes. For molecules represented as BulkMolecules, the simulation keeps track of only the total counts of the molecular species in each compartment (differentiated by a location tag, such as [c], which would indicate a molecule in the cytoplasm). For molecules represented as UniqueMolecules, the simulation keeps track of the individual attributes of each molecule.