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. 2024 Jun 10;11:20543581241255781. doi: 10.1177/20543581241255781

Table 1.

Demographics and Clinical Characteristics by eGFR Slope.

Characteristics All eGFR slope, mL/min/1.73 m2/year
>50th %ile 26th-50th %ile 11th-25th %ile ≤10th %ile Missing
N 336 376 109 741 (32.6) 54 871 (16.3) 32 922 (9.8) 21 948 (6.5) 116 894 (34.8)
eGFR slope
 Median –0.41 0.62 –0.95 –2.31 –4.71
 Range (−109.06, 26.22) (−0.41, 26.22) (−1.67,−0.41) (−3.34,−1.67) (−48.04,−3.34)
Age, years
 18–39 27 423 (8.2) 5624 (5.1) 2481 (4.5) 1478 (4.5) 982 (4.5) 16 858 (14.4)
 40–64 159 395 (47.4) 49 926 (45.5) 24 287 (44.3) 13 515 (41.1) 8684 (39.6) 62 983 (53.9)
 ≥65 149 558 (44.5) 54 191 (49.4) 28 103 (51.2) 17 929 (54.5) 12 282 (56.0) 37 053 (31.7)
Women 157 215 (46.7) 50 974 (46.4) 25 279 (46.1) 15 404 (46.8) 10 579 (48.2) 54 979 (47.0)
Rural residence 45 193 (13.4) 14 860 (13.5) 6995 (12.7) 4608 (14.0) 3576 (16.3) 15 154 (13.0)
Duration of diabetes, years 8 [4, 13] 8 [4, 13] 8 [4, 14] 9 [4, 15] 10 [5, 17] 7 [3, 12]
HbA1c, %
 <7 149 597 (44.5) 58 885 (53.7) 28 474 (51.9) 16 344 (49.6) 10 104 (46.0) 35 790 (30.6)
 7-8 61 619 (18.3) 23 312 (21.2) 12 837 (23.4) 7727 (23.5) 5220 (23.8) 12 523 (10.7)
 >8-9 25 281 (7.5) 8914 (8.1) 4990 (9.1) 3307 (10.0) 2412 (11.0) 5658 (4.8)
 >9 28 816 (8.6) 8926 (8.1) 4579 (8.3) 3203 (9.7) 2692 (12.3) 9416 (8.1)
 Missing 71 063 (21.1) 9704 (8.8) 3991 (7.3) 2341 (7.1) 1520 (6.9) 53 507 (45.8)
eGFR, mL/min/1.73 m2
 ≥90 101 567 (30.2) 44 909 (40.9) 18 842 (34.3) 5815 (17.7) 1411 (6.4) 30 590 (26.2)
 60-<90 119 820 (35.6) 45 693 (41.6) 23 551 (42.9) 16 877 (51.3) 9418 (42.9) 24 281 (20.8)
 45-<60 30 934 (9.2) 10 178 (9.3) 6505 (11.9) 5506 (16.7) 5332 (24.3) 3413 (2.9)
 30-<45 15 404 (4.6) 4498 (4.1) 3427 (6.2) 2967 (9.0) 3517 (16.0) 995 (0.9)
 15-<30 5480 (1.6) 1188 (1.1) 1226 (2.2) 1178 (3.6) 1719 (7.8) 169 (0.1)
 <15 972 (0.3) 80 (0.1) 183 (0.3) 255 (0.8) 438 (2.0) 16 (0.0)
 Missing 62 199 (18.5) 3195 (2.9) 1137 (2.1) 324 (1.0) 113 (0.5) 57 430 (49.1)
 None/mild 178 987 (53.2) 69 998 (63.8) 34 896 (63.6) 19 570 (59.4) 10 941 (49.8) 43 582 (37.3)
 Moderate 43 654 (13.0) 16 626 (15.2) 8965 (16.3) 5913 (18.0) 4485 (20.4) 7665 (6.6)
 Severe 15 515 (4.6) 4686 (4.3) 2877 (5.2) 2587 (7.9) 3354 (15.3) 2011 (1.7)
 Missing 98 220 (29.2) 18 431 (16.8) 8133 (14.8) 4852 (14.7) 3168 (14.4) 63 636 (54.4)
Comorbidities 1 [0, 2] 1 [1, 2] 1 [1, 2] 1 [1, 2] 1 [1, 3] 1 [0, 1]
 Cardiovascular disease 91 097 (27.1) 33 251 (30.3) 16 381 (29.9) 11 493 (34.9) 9967 (45.4) 20 005 (17.1)
  Atrial fibrillation 25 723 (7.7) 9529 (8.7) 4702 (8.6) 3473 (10.5) 3377 (15.4) 4642 (4.0)
  Chronic heart failure 31 919 (9.5) 11 085 (10.1) 5517 (10.1) 4470 (13.6) 5207 (23.7) 5640 (4.8)
  Coronary artery disease 31 917 (9.5) 11 590 (10.6) 5860 (10.7) 4218 (12.8) 3645 (16.6) 6604 (5.6)
  Myocardial infarction 19 144 (5.7) 6812 (6.2) 3374 (6.1) 2446 (7.4) 2156 (9.8) 4356 (3.7)
  Peripheral artery disease 9705 (2.9) 3567 (3.3) 1758 (3.2) 1338 (4.1) 1284 (5.9) 1758 (1.5)
 Stroke/TIA 40 121 (11.9) 14 915 (13.6) 7103 (12.9) 4844 (14.7) 4088 (18.6) 9171 (7.8)
Diabetic retinopathy 46 784 (13.9) 15 960 (14.5) 8629 (15.7) 6170 (18.7) 5130 (23.4) 10 895 (9.3)
Hypertension 239 947 (71.3) 85 813 (78.2) 43 645 (79.5) 27 185 (82.6) 19 217 (87.6) 64 087 (54.8)
Prescriptions filled
  SGLT2 inhibitor 38 100 (11.3) 14 217 (13.0) 7775 (14.2) 4926 (15.0) 3394 (15.5) 7788 (6.7)
 ACE inhibitor or ARB 186 340 (55.4) 69 033 (62.9) 36 319 (66.2) 22 926 (69.6) 15 964 (72.7) 42 098 (36.0)
 Statins 174 776 (52.0) 66 916 (61.0) 34 734 (63.3) 21 329 (64.8) 14 500 (66.1) 37 297 (31.9)

Note. ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB = angiotensin II receptor blockers; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; HbA1c = glycated hemoglobin; KDIGO = Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes; SGLT2 = sodium-glucose cotransporter-2; TIA = transient ischemic attack. n (%) or median [interquartile range].