Figure 3.
Marginal predictions of mixed breastmilk and formula (triangle) and exclusive, only breastmilk (circle) breastfeeding rates in maternity units for the variables included in the final model (Model five). The final model included the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), neonatal, maternal, maternity unit and French administrative department characteristics, as well as a spatial random effect at the department level, and interactions terms between the BFHI and the maternal education level and neonatal birthweight. Section (A) shows the predictions against the maternal variables, (B) the newborn variables, (C) the maternity unit variables, (D) the French administrative department variables and (E) the French administrative department-specific random effect for the three highest and lowest values. The vertical lines indicate the mean marginal prediction for each type of breastfeeding. Data source: 2010, 2016 and 2021 French Perinatal National Surveys