Table 5.
Gross pathological findings of NHP tissues from animals exposed to 4 or 5.8 Gy TBI or PBI and treated with GT3 or vehicle.
Radiation dose | Exposure level | Treatment | Euthanasia (d) | NHP# | Sex | Age (years) | Gross pathological findings |
4 Gy | PBI | Vehicle | 30 | 1603102 | F | 3.9 | Kidneys appear pale, mild hemorrhage on both lungs. No other gross abnormalities were noted. BCS 2.5/5 (thin) |
1707119 | M | 3.8 | Minute petechiae noted in GI tract, some hemorrhage noted in both lungs. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | ||||
1704305 | M | 2.8 | Mild to moderate hemorrhage noted in abdominal cavity. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | ||||
1603026 | F | 3.9 | Approximately 5% dehydrated, shriveled spleen, pale kidneys. No other gross abnormalities noted. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) | ||||
GT3 | 1603079 | M | 3.9 | Overall, animal was unremarkable. Few petechiae noted in few locations along the GI tract. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | |||
1704119 | M | 3.8 | In general, animal was unremarkable. BCS 3/5) ideal | ||||
1606088 | F | 3.6 | Petechiae noted on the distal portion of bladder. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | ||||
1603168 | F | 3.9 | Animal appears dehydrated, mild hemorrhage noted on the ileo-cecal junction. BCS 1.5/5 (thin) | ||||
TBI | Vehicle | 30 | RA2695 | M | 4.7 | Overall, animal appeared unremarkable, few to moderate petechiae noted in the stomach and duodenum. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | |
1606069 | M | 3.6 | Moderate pallor at the lung margins, few petechiae noted on both lobes with moderate focal hemorrhage and blotched serrations across the surface of the spleen accompanied with ulcerative-like lesions. Splenic exhaustion noted from gross presentation, approximately 7% dehydrated. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | ||||
RA3228 | F | 4.1 | Apparent dehydrations presented with pale kidneys, shriveled spleen, petechiae/hemorrhage in jejunum and ileum, and bloated colon. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) | ||||
1608010 | F | 3.5 | Severe, diffuse, hemorrhagic pneumonitis with adhesions noted in lungs. Moderate cardiomegaly noted with significant hemorrhage on the proximal section of the heart. Less than 5% dehydrated, pale mucous membranes, and intussusceptions along the GI tract. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) | ||||
GT3 | RA3275 | M | 3.9 | Slight dehydration presented with pale spleen, kidneys, and liver. Moderate petechiae noted in small and large intestines. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) | |||
1606093 | M | 3.6 | Moderate pallor at the lung margins with few hemorrhages noted on the distal lobes of both lungs and moderate focal hemorrhage noted on and across the surface of the spleen accompanied with ulcerative-like lesions. Splenic exhaustion noted from gross with shriveled appearance. Approximately 7% dehydrated with pale mucous membranes. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | ||||
RA2770 | F | 5.1 | Mild to moderate swelling of right antebrachium region and hand of unknown origin. No other gross abnormalities were noted. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) | ||||
1607012 | F | 3.5 | Mild pallor at the margins of the lungs. Approximately 5–7% dehydrated with pale mucous membranes. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | ||||
5.8 Gy | PBI | Vehicle | 30 | 1608017 | M | 3.5 | Cardiac lesion of unknown cause presented with hemorrhages and petechiae noted on the surface and inside if the heart, enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes with several fat deposits. Moderately distended urinary bladder with few petechiae noted on its surface. BCS 2.5/5 (slightly thin) |
1608018 | F | 3.5 | Interventricular septum hypertrophy, swelling on the right side of the heart with moderate petechiae noted on the surface of the heart, pale kidneys, intussusceptions in the GI tract. No other remarkable gross findings. BCS 2/5 (thin) | ||||
1604188 | F | 3.8 | Moderate dehydration presented with mild pale margins of the lung lobes, few adhesions noted on the upper and middle lobes of right lung, petechiae on both lungs. Mild hemorrhage throughout the small intestines with few intussusceptions. Approximately 7% dehydrated with pale mucus membranes and pale kidneys. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) | ||||
GT3 | 1608007 | M | 3.5 | Roughened, mottled edges of the spleen with shriveled appearance, less than 5% dehydrated with pale mucus membranes. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) | |||
1708011 | M | 2.5 | Moderate generalized hemorrhagic enteritis, few petechiae/hemorrhages noted in small and large intestines no other remarkable gross findings. 5–7% dehydrated with pale mucus membranes. BCS 2/5 (thin) | ||||
1603104 | F | 3.9 | Enlarged right ventricle with roughened heart surface, swollen mediastinal lymph nodes. No other gross abnormalities noted. BCS 2/5 (thin) | ||||
1608006 | F | 3.5 | Enlarged spleen with no other remarkable gross findings. 5–7% dehydrated with pale mucus membranes. BCS 3/5 | ||||
TBI | Vehicle | 30 | 1608039 | M | 3.5 | Moderate focal hemorrhagic lesions towards margins of the lungs, some adhesions, petechiae, and hemorrhages noted in both lungs. Globoid heart with increased pericardial effusion, roughened heart surface with moderate hemorrhages noted on the surface of the heart. Moderate focal hemorrhage of the left renal cortex and on parietal surface beneath the capsule, both kidneys appear pale. BCS 3/5 (lean) | |
1603015 | M | 3.9 | Pallor noted at the margins of the lung lobes, mild pallor of the liver, inflamed gall bladder with greenish grainy bile fluid. Some petechiae and hemorrhages noted in small and large intestines No other remarkable gross findings. Approximately 7% dehydrated. BCS 3/5 (lean) | ||||
22 | 1607030 | F | 3.5 | Marked pallor of mucus membranes suggestive of dehydration, generalized pallor noted throughout lungs with multifocal hemorrhagic necrosis and moderate petechiae noted in both lungs. Severe pericardial edema and pallor of the heart tissue, with some serrations noted on the cardiac surface. Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes with petechiae in small and large intestines, and enlarged left kidney with focal area of hemorrhagic necrosis at the cortex. Both kidneys appear pale. Severe hemorrhagic lesion and intussusception at the ileo-cecal junction, several petechiae along the jejunal surface. Approximately 10–12% dehydrated. BCS 1.5/5 (very thin) | |||
21 | 1608016 | F | 3.5 | Generalized pallor throughout lungs, with both lungs presented with petechiae, hemorrhages, and some adhesions in few of the lobes. Serrated surface of the heart presented with moderate hemorrhagic carditis at the left ventricle, moderate pericardial edema, multifocal petechial hemorrhage on the surface of the heart, and some blood clots on the inside of the heart. Moderate pallor of the left kidney with both kidneys looking pale, multifocal necrotic lesions of the spleen with a shriveled appearance. GI Tract presented with lesions, hemorrhages, and petechiae, with intussusceptions noted in the small intestines. Less than 5% dehydrated with marked pallor of mucous membranes. BCS 2.5/5 (thin) | |||
GT3 | 30 | 1703269 | M | 2.9 | No remarkable gross findings. Mild to moderate petechiae noted in GI tract. Approximately 7% dehydrated with pale mucous membranes. BCS 3/5 (normal) | ||
1607029 | M | 3.5 | Diffuse hemorrhagic congestion of the lungs, more prevalent throughout left lung field, with both lungs presented with some petechiae and adhesions. Stomach slightly distended with some bloating noted in the large intestine. Approximately 7% dehydrated with pale mucous membranes. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) | ||||
1603138 | F | 3.9 | Diffuse petechial hemorrhage of the lungs with pale margins of the lobes, with mild to moderate petechiae in both lungs. Golf ball sized ovarian mass discovered at necropsy, no history of clinical signs relative to this finding. Moderate petechiae noted in bladder. Approximately 7% dehydrated with pale mucous membranes. BCS 3/5 (ideal) | ||||
1603030 | F | 3.9 | Mild pale margins of the lung lobes, mild hemorrhage throughout small intestine with few intussusceptions noted in small and large intestines. Approximately 7% dehydrated with pale mucous membranes. BCS 2.5/5 (lean) |
The body condition score (BCS) is a subjective method of gaging body fat and muscle by palpation. All scores were provided by the veterinarian at the time of necropsy. The scale used both whole and half units, an optimal body condition would be scored a 3.0. Lower scores represent emaciated to lean conditions (1.0 to 2.0), and higher values (4.0 to 5.0) indicate excessive body fat.