Fig. 1 |. Phylogenomic tree of Asgardarchaeota.
The alignment is based on a concatenated set of 53 protein markers (subsampled to 42 sites each, resulting in a total alignment length of 2,058 sites) from 339 taxa. These taxa encompass 276 Asgardarchaeota MAGs, including 16 recovered in this study (highlighted in pink; MAGs 3H_mb2_bin20, 4H_max40_bin02,1 4H_mb2_bin40 and 7H_mb2_bin7 were removed after the alignment trimming step due to low completeness), and 63 non-Asgardarchaeota species representatives from GTDB release RS95 as an outgroup. Maximum-likelihood analysis was performed using IQ-TREE under the LG + C10 + F + G + PMSF model. The tree is rooted on the non-Asgardarchaeota group. Nodes with bootstrap statistical support >90% are indicated by grey dots. MAGs containing viral contigs and CRISPR arrays are indicated by different symbols, with the key provided in the bottom left corner. GCA_019058445.1 contains a defective verdandivirus-derived provirus (Extended Data Fig. 2).