Fig. 7.
Overview and functional modules of CancereRNAQTL database. a Browser bar in CancereRNAQTL. b Three modules in CancereRNAQTL, including eRNAQTLs, survival-eRNAQTLs, and GWAS-eRNAQTLs. c The single and batch search boxes in CancereRNAQTL. d The eRNAQTL search module in CancereRNAQTL. e The survival-eRNAQTL search module in CancereRNAQTL. f An example of eRNAQTL results on the “eRNAQTL” page and the corresponding boxplot. g An example of survival-eRNAQTL results in the “survival-eRNAQTL” page and the corresponding KM plot. BLCA bladder urothelial carcinoma, KIRC kidney renal clear cell carcinoma, KM Kaplan-Meier, eRNAQTL eRNA quantitative trait locus, SNP single nucleotide polymorphism, GWAS genome-wide association study