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. 2024 Apr 23;6(3):fcae146. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae146

Table 1.

Genetic association results for the eight previously reported and seven novel putative Parkinson’s disease STR risk loci

STR position Nearest gene Effect allele MAFnew ORIPDGC P IPDGC ORnew P new ORmeta P meta Directions Indep. signal P meQTL H4
(a) Replication evidence for previously reported primary STR loci
3:122 146 661 LOC102723582 [A]12C[A]6 0.13 1.12 6.52E−07 1.05 3.85E−01 1.11 6.87E07 −−−− STR 7.71E−04 0.4500
4:189 000 404 TRIML2 TT[A]12 0.05 1.31 1.44E−07 0.87 1.67E−01 1.20 5.66E−05 +++− STR 9.73E−03 0.0101
5:60 437 492 NDUFAF2 AA[TGAA]6 0.43 0.77 6.94E−08 0.95 1.85E−01 0.87 6.32E−06 ++−+ STR 7.63E−07 0.0340
7:127 793 488 MIR129-1 [T]14G 0.25 0.86 2.79E−07 1.05 2.78E−01 0.91 1.73E−04 +−−+ STR 3.83E−13 0.9045
8:11 696 990 FDFT1 TCTACT[A]13 0.25 0.89 1.96E−09 1.01 7.68E−01 0.91 3.62E−08 −−++ STR 1.23E−07 0.9866
8:22 464 976 CCAR2 TAGGG[T]20GATG 0.34 0.91 6.91E−07 0.92 6.76E−02 0.91 1.28E−07 −+++ STR 1.23E−31 0.9790
12:46 452 915 SCAF11 AAGCAAGCA 0.42 0.92 5.19E−06 0.97 5.29E−01 0.93 8.91E−06 −+−+ STR 3.35E−04 0.1409
17:15 941 750 NCOR1 [T]10 0.46 0.93 3.77E−06 0.95 2.35E−01 0.93 2.10E−06 ++++ STR 7.42E−11 0.8356
(b) Novel suggestive primary STR associations (P < 5.3E6)
3:24 310 875 THRB [CA]2[CG]6[CA]18[T]3[A]2G 0.04 - - 0.60 2.43E−06 0.60 2.43E−06 +++? STR 2.94E04 0.1642
5:120 435 533 PRR16 CTC[A]19T 0.08 - - 0.70 4.45E−06 0.70 4.45E−06 −−−? STR 2.02E−02 0.0580
6:27 666 933 LINC01012 [A]9G[A]8 0.09 0.87 7.26E−06 0.90 1.68E−01 0.87 3.05E−06 ++++ ? 6.62E−09 0.8284
9:34 054 301 UBAP2 [T]13 0.39 1.07 8.96E−06 1.06 2.04E−01 1.10 4.15E−06 −−−− ? 4.07E−03 0.3404
16:1 977 617 TCRBV20S1 [A]12 0.29 0.91 1.26E−05 0.93 1.11E−01 0.91 3.71E−06 ++−+ ? 9.59E−09 0.0711
17:77 019 776 C1QTNF1 [GC]6G[CA]18 0.04 - - 1.68 2.16E−06 1.68 2.16E−06 +++? STR 7.50E−07 0.2577
19:46 243 112 MEIOSIN [T]11 0.69 1.09 6.67E−05 1.11 1.94E−02 1.10 4.15E−06 −−−− STR 1.77E−19 0.1722

This table displays all signals from the IPDGC that are due to independent STR signals (upper part of the table) and all study-wide suggestive primary STR signals from the updated meta-analyses combining the IPDGC data with our newly generated STR data. Bold gene names highlight the STR-based signals for which the updated meta-analysis results improved in significance. Bolded meta-analysis P-values indicate at least study-wide suggestive evidence for association (α = 5.3E−6).

STR position, position for the first nucleotide of the STR (hg19); MAF, minor allele frequency; OR, odds ratio; new, the newly generated STR data independent of the IPDGC data (datasets: PEG, PASIDA, GHC); P, P-value; meta, results of fixed-effect meta-analysis; direction, directions of effect in the individual datasets included in the meta-analysis provided in the following study order: PEG, PASIDA, GHC, IPDGC (see Material and Methods for details on these datasets); Indep. signal, result of the ‘conditional and joint association’ (COJO) and/or conditional analyses assessing whether STR signal is independent from single-nucleotide polymorphisms (‘STR’ denotes independence and ‘?’ analyses could not be performed); meQTL, methylation quantitative trait locus.