Fig. 3. Single-cell motif scoring using CellSpace accurately maps TF activities.
a, CellSpace and scBasset embeddings of the scATAC-seq readout of a human cortex multiome dataset with 8,981 cells. Cyc. prog, cycling progenitor; EC, endothelial cell; Peric., pericyte; nIPC, neuronal intermediate progenitor cell; SP, subplane; mGPC, multipotent glial progenitor cell. b, Rows show the TFs PAX6, EMX2, MEF2C and NEUROD2, overlaid on the CellSpace embedding, the gene expression for the TFs, CellSpace motif scores, scBasset motif scores, chromVAR motif deviation scores and SIMBA motif scores. c, CellSpace TF motif scoring for the small human hematopoietic dataset, shown as a heatmap (annotated as in Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 1b).