Extended Data Fig. 1. Well position effect.
mAP for perturbation detection for ORFs in the same well position (blue), same or different well positions (red) and different well positions (pink); the same or different well positions is what is shown in Fig. 4a in the main text. ORFs in different well positions are affected by plate layout effects, which lowers mAP and FR scores for retrieving replicates against a background of negative control wells. The numerical values shown above each box plot are the fraction of perturbations that can be successfully retrieved (FR) values for each retrieval task. Box plot boundaries are 75th (Q3) and 25th (Q1) percentiles, with whiskers at +/− 1.5 times the interquartile range (Q3–Q1) or the highest or lowest data point. n = 320 biologically independent ORF reagents in the blue boxes and n = 160 biologically independent ORF reagents in the pink and red boxes.