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. 2024 May 29;15:1401683. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1401683

Table 1.

Potential off-targets (pOTs) ranked as “critical” by CRISPRroots.

Expression-based pOTs for B2M spacer: ACTCACGCTGGATAGCCTCC on-target ΔG_B= -25.73, specificity score CRISPRspec = 7.86 (high specificity)
chr3:53322664-53322685:+ CACTGCAGCCTGGACAGCCTCC TGG XXXXXXX|||||W|||||||_XXXXXXXXX|||||W||||||| MMM||MM|||||W|||||||_MMM||MM|||||W||||||| -16.57 7 CACNA1D
chr21:44945403-44945424:- CCCCTCCCACAGGACAGCCTCC TGG XXXXXXXXX|||W|||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX|||W||||||| M|||M|W|M|||W|||||||_M|||M|W|M|||W||||||| -15.63 9 SLX9
chr17:16429570-16429591:- GAACAAACTGTGGACAGCCTCC CAG XXXXXXXX||||W|||||||_XXXXXXXXXX||||W||||||| ||MM||MM||||W|||||||_||MM||MM||||W||||||| -14.72 8 LRRC75A
chr6:136406447-136406468:- CCTTTCCCTCCTGATAGCCTCC TGG XXXXXXXXXX||||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXXX|||||||||| MM||M|M|WM||||||||||_MM||M|M|WM|||||||||| -14.25 10 MAP7
chr10:99651259-99651280:- AACCTCACTTGGGACAGCCTCC CAG XXXXXXXXX|||W|||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX|||W||||||| M|||||MMM|||W|||||||_M|||||MMM|||W||||||| -14.07 9 ENTPD7
chrX:20097313-20097334:+ TGCTACTGGCTGGACAGCCTCC TGA XXXXXX||||||W|||||||_XXXXXXXX||||||W||||||| MMM|MM||||||W|||||||_MMM|MM||||||W||||||| -13.62 6 MAP7D2
chr5:128098860-128098881:+ CCTCTCTACCAGAATAGCCTCC AAG XXXXXXXXX|W|||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX|W||||||||| M|||MMM|M|W|||||||||_M|||MMM|M|W||||||||| -11.79 9 SLC12A2
chr16:69161920-69161941:- AGACATTAACTGGATAACCTCC AGA XXXXXXX|||||||W|||||_XXXXXXXXX|||||||W||||| ||MMMMW|||||||W|||||_||MMMMW|||||||W||||| -11.33 7 UTP4
chr2:223751416-223751437:+ TTCATCACCCCCAATAGCCTCC TGA XXXXXXXXXXW|||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXXXW||||||||| MM||||M|WMW|||||||||_MM||||M|WMW||||||||| -10.18 10 AP1S3
Expression-based pOTs TRAC spacer: TCAGGGTTCTGGATATCTGT on-target ΔG_B= -21.58, specificity score CRISPRspec = 5.20 (medium specificity)
chr1:116623693-116623714:- GACTGTGGGACTGGATATCTGT GAG XXXXXXXX||||||||||||_XXXXXXXXXX|||||||||||| WMMM||MM||||||||||||_WMMM||MM|||||||||||| -10.65 8 IGSF3
chr10:29617348-29617369:- CAACATGGCTATGGATATCTGT AAG XXXXXXXXX|||||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX||||||||||| M||M||W|M|||||||||||_M||M||W|M||||||||||| -10.35 9 SVIL
chr11:108439331-108439352:+ AGCATGAGATATGGATATCTGT AAG XXXXXXXXX|||||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX||||||||||| WMM|W|M|M|||||||||||_WMM|W|M|M||||||||||| -10.35 9 POGLUT3
chr8:9039809-9039830:- AAATTAGGTTCTAGATATCTGC CAG XXXW||||||W||||||||W_XXXXXW||||||W||||||||W MMMW||||||W||||||||W_MMMW||||||W||||||||W -9.97 3 ERI1
chr4:88385686-88385707:+ GAGAAGAGTTAAGGATATCTGT AAG XXXXXXXXXX||||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXXX|||||||||| MM||W|||MM||||||||||_MM||W|||MM|||||||||| -9.03 10 HERC6
chr1:236562926-236562947:- TAAGAGTTTTCCGGATATCTGC GGA XXXXXXX||W|||||||||W_XXXXXXXXX||W|||||||||W MM||MM|||W|||||||||W_MM||MM|||W|||||||||W -8.38 7 HEATR1
chr2:223689455-223689476:- ACATTTGGCTCAGGATATCTGT GGA XXXXXXXXXX||||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXXX|||||||||| MMMM||W||M||||||||||_MMMM||W||M|||||||||| -8.02 10 AP1S3
chr7:137405020-137405041:+ ATTAAGGTACCTGGACATCTGT GGA XXXXXXXX|||||W||||||_XXXXXXXXXX|||||W|||||| |M|||MMW|||||W||||||_|M|||MMW|||||W|||||| -7.41 8 DGKI
chr17:75469014-75469035:- GTGCTGGGTCCTGGACATCTAC AGG XXX||||W|||||W||||WW_XXXXX||||W|||||W||||WW M|M||||W|||||W||||WW_M|M||||W|||||W||||WW -7.2 3 CASKIN2
chr1:41800632-41800653:- CATCAGAGCCCTAGACATCTGT AGG ||||W|WW||W||W||||||_XX||||W|WW||W||W|||||| ||||W|WW||W||W||||||_||||W|WW||W||W|||||| -6.39 0 HIVEP3
chr12:113874481-113874502:- TTTCAGGTTCCAGGATACCTGT CAG XXXXXXXXXX|||||W||||_XXXXXXXXXXXX|||||W|||| |||||M|W|M|||||W||||_|||||M|W|M|||||W|||| -6.18 10 RBM19
chr15:23000525-23000546:+ AGGTAGGCTTCAAGATATCTGT GGA XXXXXXXXXXW|||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXXXW||||||||| MM|||M|||MW|||||||||_MM|||M|||MW||||||||| -5.74 10 TUBGCP5
chr9:111415068-111415089:- TAGGAGGATTTTGAATATCTGT AGA XXXXXXXXX||W||||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX||W|||||||| MM|||W||M||W||||||||_MM|||W||M||W|||||||| -5.43 9 ECPAS
chr13:59914820-59914841:- ATTAAGGATTATAGACATCTGT GAG XXXXXXXXXXW||W||||||_XXXXXXXXXXXXW||W|||||| |M|||W||M|W||W||||||_|M|||W||M|W||W|||||| -4.15 10 DIAPH3
chr6:107080973-107080994:- TATCAGGGACTTGAACATCTGT GGA XXXXXXXXX||W|W||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX||W|W|||||| ||||||MWM||W|W||||||_||||||MWM||W|W|||||| -3.38 9 BEND3
chr7:137402130-137402151:+ GATCAGGGACTTGAACATCTGT AGA XXXXXXXXX||W|W||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX||W|W|||||| ||||||MWM||W|W||||||_||||||MWM||W|W|||||| -3.38 9 DGKI
chr7:158615207-158615228:- TACCAGGGACTTGAACATCTGT GGA XXXXXXXXX||W|W||||||_XXXXXXXXXXX||W|W|||||| W|||||MWM||W|W||||||_W|||||MWM||W|W|||||| -3.38 9 NCAPG2
chr6:159762279-159762300:- TGTCAGGCCTTTGGATACCTAC AGA XXXXXXXXX||||||W||WW_XXXXXXXXXXX||||||W||WW |||||MW|M||||||W||WW_|||||MW|M||||||W||WW -1.04 9 TCP1
chr16:78184267-78184288:+ AATCAGGATTAAGGATATCCAC TGA |||||W||MM|||||||WWW_XX|||||W||MM|||||||WWW |||||W||MM|||||||WWW_|||||W||MM|||||||WWW -0.67 2 WWOX
Variant-based pOTs for TRAC spacer TCAGGGTTCTGGATATCTGT on-target ΔG_B= -21.58, specificity score CRISPRspec = 5.20 (medium specificity)

The table reports properties of the gRNAs used for editing and their top pOTs found by our CRISPRroots RNA-seq analysis pipeline. The first column reports the location of the pOTs in the variant-aware genome, which is a modified version of the reference genome in which variants (including indels) discovered in the non-edited cells are introduced. Positions are 1-based and include both ends. The coordinates include two nucleotides of PAM-distal context. The columns “off-target + context” and “PAM” report, respectively, the pOT sequence in 5’-3’ direction, including context, and the PAM. The column “binding struct (Q-T)” displays the most favorable, i.e. lowest free energy, potential binding pattern between the gRNA (query, Q) and the pOT site (target, T). The binding pattern is encoded as follows: X=Base not used (possible only placed at left-end); |, Base pair; W, wobble base pair; B, bulge. The binding pattern of the gRNA and of the pOT are separated by an underscore; in the absence of bulges, the pattens are identical except that the pOTs have two additional X on the left side, representing unbound context nucleotides. The pOTs and gRNA spacer are in many cases predicted to bind only partially from the PAM. Compared to the “binding struct (Q-T)” column, the column “full match-mismatch pattern” shows how the unbound nucleotides (X) would bind if the binding energy was disregarded and all nucleotides, excluding the unbound context, were used in the binding. ΔGB represents the gRNA-target binding energy obtained as in the model described in (Alkan et al., 2018), in which ΔGB = δPAM(ΔGH − ΔGO − ΔGU), with ΔGH the RNA-DNA hybridization energy, weighted using positional weights measuring Cas9 influence, ΔGO the DNA-DNA binding energy, ΔGU the spacer RNA self-folding energy (minimum free energy), and δPAM is a PAM correcting factor. The column “n. mismatch/unused” reports the number of nucleotides in the targets that represent a mismatch or that are not used to form the most favorable energetic binding. Last, the column “genes interested” summarizes the content of the CRISPRroots output column “genomic features” and shows the name of the genes downregulated for the expression-based pOTs or possibly affected by a somatic variant for the variant-based pOTs. For each gRNA, we report the on-target ΔGB for comparison with the pOTs and the CRISPRspec gRNA specificity score from (Alkan et al., 2018), which evaluates the specificity of the gRNA to its on-target site while considering all the pOTs as alternative binding sites.