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. 2024 Jun 11;7(6):e2416077. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.16077

Table. Characteristics of Children Younger Than 5 Years Hospitalized for RSV-Related Illness in Ontario, 2017-2018 Through 2022-2023a.

Characteristic RSV seasonb
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2021-2022 2022-2023
Population size 713 547 712 233 708 633 682 201 646 401
No. hospitalized 2008 2383 2421 1972 4977
Overall admission rate, per 100 000 children 281.4 334.6 341.6 289.1 770.0
Age at time of admission, No. (%), mo
<1 547 (27.2) 657 (27.6) 561 (23.2) 585 (29.7) 958 (19.2)
2-3 303 (15.1) 393 (16.5) 372 (15.4) 288 (14.6) 635 (12.8)
4-5 199 (9.9) 198 (8.3) 211 (8.7) 141 (7.2) 367 (7.4)
6-11 315 (15.7) 321 (13.5) 319 (13.2) 195 (9.9) 609 (12.2)
12-23 368 (18.3) 446 (18.7) 534 (22.1) 337 (17.1) 1028 (20.7)
24-35 148 (7.4) 203 (8.5) 219 (9.0) 231 (11.7) 620 (12.5)
36-59 128 (6.4) 165 (6.9) 205 (8.5) 195 (9.9) 760 (15.3)
Mean (SD) 10.81 (12.64) 11.26 (12.88) 12.56 (13.32) 12.85 (14.29) 16.08 (15.46)
Median (IQR) 5 (2-16) 5 (2-17) 7 (2-19) 5 (2-22) 11 (3-26)
Male sex, No. (%) 1118 (55.7) 1287 (54.0) 1338 (55.3) 1096 (55.6) 2755 (55.4)
Rural residence, No. (%) 209 (10.4) 283 (11.9) 250 (10.3) 262 (13.3) 594 (11.9)
Neighborhood income quintile, No. (%)
1 (Lowest income) 455 (22.7) 551 (23.1) 540 (22.3) 392 (19.9) 1068 (21.5)
2 422 (21.0) 462 (19.4) 429 (17.7) 346 (17.5) 909 (18.3)
3 395 (19.7) 484 (20.3) 510 (21.1) 380 (19.3) 1022 (20.5)
4 369 (18.4) 500 (21.0) 478 (19.7) 451 (22.9) 1001 (20.1)
5 (Highest income) 352 (17.5) 359 (15.1) 427 (17.6) 352 (17.8) 824 (16.6)
Unknown 15 (0.7) 27 (1.1) 37 (1.5) 51 (2.6) 153 (3.1)
Material resources quintile, No. (%)
1 (Least marginalized) 361 (18.0) 447 (18.8) 478 (19.7) 379 (19.2) 924 (18.6)
2 367 (18.3) 456 (19.1) 479 (19.8) 417 (21.1) 945 (19.0)
3 370 (18.4) 425 (17.8) 434 (17.9) 345 (17.5) 943 (18.9)
4 373 (18.6) 444 (18.6) 390 (16.1) 343 (17.4) 895 (18.0)
5 (Most marginalized) 498 (24.8) 553 (23.2) 568 (23.5) 421 (21.3) 1031 (20.7)
Unknown 39 (1.9) 58 (2.4) 72 (3.0) 67 (3.4) 239 (4.8)
Any comorbidities at birth, No. (%)
Major congenital anomaly 222 (11.1) 247 (10.4) 236 (9.7) 212 (10.8) 439 (8.8)
Congenital heart disease 7 (0.3) 19 (0.8) 18 (0.7) 12 (0.6) 25 (0.5)
Chronic lung disease 92 (4.6) 102 (4.3) 99 (4.1) 99 (5.0) 159 (3.2)
Trisomy 21 19 (0.9) 14 (0.6) 26 (1.1) 13 (0.7) 35 (0.7)
Any chronic medical condition, No. (%) 340 (16.9) 406 (17.0) 431 (17.8) 346 (17.5) 796 (16.0)
Born preterm (<37 wk), No. (%) 293 (14.6) 404 (17.0) 374 (15.4) 312 (15.8) 746 (15.0)
Palivizumab eligibility, No. (%)
Clearly eligible 66 (3.3) 88 (3.7) 56 (2.3) 57 (2.9) 106 (2.1)
Possibly eligible 75 (3.7) 66 (2.8) 57 (2.4) 65 (3.3) 111 (2.2)
Ineligible 1867 (93.0) 2229 (93.5) 2308 (95.3) 1850 (93.8) 4760 (95.6)
Hospitalization outcomes
Length of stay, mean (SD), d 3.75 (5.12) 4.08 (9.64) 3.78 (6.00) 3.96 (9.25) 4.16 (5.47)
ICU admission, No. (%) 197 (9.8) 261 (11.0) 233 (9.6) 224 (11.4) 691 (13.9)
ICU length of stay, mean (SD), d 1.14 (0.51) 1.17 (0.46) 1.23 (0.58) 1.26 (0.85) 1.15 (0.50)
Overall ICU admission rate, per 100 000 children (population-based) 27.61 36.65 32.88 32.83 106.90
Mechanical ventilation use, No. (%) 85 (4.2) 104 (4.4) 101 (4.2) 65 (3.3) 235 (4.7)
Time requiring mechanical ventilation, mean (SD), d 1.29 (0.61) 1.27 (0.84) 1.37 (0.80) 1.25 (0.50) 1.23 (0.53)
Overall mechanical ventilation rate, per 100 000 children (population-based) 11.91 14.60 14.25 9.53 36.36
Required ECMO, No. (%)c 0 <6 0 0 <6
In-hospital death, No. (%)c 0 <6 <6 <6 <6

Abbreviations: ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ICU, intensive care unit; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus.


Eleven RSV hospitalizations and 7 ICU admissions occurred during the 2020-2021 season; data not shown given small cell sizes.


RSV season defined as July 1 through June 30 of the subsequent year.


Cell sizes less than 6 have been suppressed.