Fig. 3.
Estimated odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of fetuses being viable or live. CC is homozygous genotype for the reference allele for Asn91Ser mutation of DIO2, CD for heterozygous genotype. Red dotted vertical lines indicate OR = 1. The Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) adjusted P values are applied to all possible pairwise comparisons (N = 6) of levels of Asn91Ser and trial (A), and Asn91Ser and fetal sex (B). CC genotype or trial-1 was used as the reference group (ref). Different x-axis scales were used across figures. (A) Contrasts for the interaction between Asn91Ser (CD vs. CC) and trial (trial-2 vs. trial-1) for fetal viability. Trial-1, Yang et al’s GWAS [6]; trial-2, follow-up study to Yang et al.’s GWAS [14]. Fetal counts in each genotype within each trial: CC = 41, CD = 37, in trial-1; CC = 71, CD = 74, in trial-2. (B) Contrasts for the interaction between Asn91Ser (CD vs. CC) and sex (male vs. female) for fetal viability. Fetal counts in each genotype within each sex: CC = 57, CD = 47, in female; CC = 55, CD = 64, in male. (C) Contrast for Asn91Ser (CD vs. CC) for fetal survival