a, Schematic of optogenetic stimulation of AgRP neurons in Agrp-IRES-Cre::NPY-KO, Agrp-IRES-Cre::vGATlox/lox or Agrp-IRES-Cre::NPY-KO::vGATlox/lox mice. b, Time-line for optogenetic stimulation of AgRP neurons. c, AgRP-neuron-evoked increase in plasma corticosterone was prevented in Agrp-IRES-Cre::NPY-KO::vGATlox/lox mice (AgRPmCherry::NPY-KO n = 3, AgRPChr2::NPY-KO n = 6. Two-tailed unpaired t-test- **P = 0.0060; AgRPmCherry:: vGATlox/lox
n = 6, AgRPChR2::vGATlox/lox
n = 6. Two-tailed unpaired t-test- **P = 0.0095; AgRPmCherry::NPY-KO::vGATlox/lox
n = 4, AgRPChR2::NPY-KO::vGATlox/lox
n = 7. Two-tailed unpaired t-test- P = 0.6946). d, Schematic of in vivo drug infusion into the PVH. e, Time-line for infusions. f, Fasting levels of corticosterone were reduced by intra-PVH GABA-B-R antagonist ± NPY2R antagonist (Vehicle-Fasted n = 8, Vehicle-Ad lib n = 5, BIIE0246 n = 7, Saclofen n = 7, BIIE0246 + Saclofen n = 9. One-way ANOVA, Tukey’s multiple comparisons test: Vehicle-Fasted vs. Vehicle-Ad lib- ***P = 0.0003; Vehicle-Fasted vs. BIIE02446- P = 0.9992; Vehicle-Fasted vs. Saclofen- *P = 0.0442; Vehicle-Fasted vs. BIIE0246+Saclofen- **P = 0.0039; Vehicle-Ad lib vs. BIIE- ***P = 0.0002; Vehicle-Ad lib vs. Saclofen- P = 0.2285; Vehicle-Ad lib vs. BIIE0246+Saclofen- P = 0.5283; BIIE0246 vs. Saclofen- *P = 0.0321; BIIE0246 vs. BIIE0246+Saclofen- **P = 0.0029; Saclofen vs. BIIE+Saclofen- P = 0.9417). Data represent = mean ± sem.