a, Schematics representing AAV spread (shaded regions) for every animal related to experiments in Fig. 1a-c. Each animal is represented by a different colour. b, Representative image of hM3Dq-mCherry expression in AgRP neuron somas in the arcuate nucleus. c, Schematics representing AAV spread (shaded regions) for every animal related to experiments in Fig. 1a, d-e. d, Representative image of hM4Di-mCherry expression in AgRP neuron somas in the arcuate nucleus. Each animal is represented by a different colour. e, Schematics representing AAV spread (shaded regions) and fiber placement (rectangles) for every animal related to experiments in Fig. 1f-i. Each animal is represented by a different colour. See Fig. 1g for a representative histological image. f, Schematics representing AAV spread (shaded regions) and fiber placement (rectangles) for every animal related to experiments in Fig. 1f, l-m. g, Representative images of GCaMP6s expression in PVHCrh neurons, optic fiber placement in the PVH and hM4Di-mCherry expression in AgRP neuron somas in the arcuate nucleus. Each animal is represented by a different colour. h, Schematics representing fiber placements (rectangles) for every animal related to experiments in Fig. 1n-q and Extended Data Fig. 1e, f. Each animal is represented by a different colour. i, Representative image of ChR2-eYFP expression in AgRP neuron somas in the arcuate nucleus and fiber placement. Scale bar = 200 μm. 3V = Third ventricle. The schematics were created using The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates Second Edition (Paxinos and Franklin).