Fig. 3 –
VBM results. A. Brain volume correlates of multidimensional model’s factor scores. Higher scores in EFs components were mainly associated with larger grey matter volume of prefrontal regions, as well as posterior and medial-temporal areas in the case of Abs.C. B. Grey matter correlates of bifactor model’s factor scores. Higher scores in the CF were associated with prefrontal and insular regions. No significant correlations were found for individual EFs components. See details in Supplementary Table 3. Images are displayed in neurological convention. The statistical threshold was set at p < .05, AlphaSim cluster-corrected. The numbers represent the slices coordinates in the sagittal plane. Abs.C: abstraction capacity; CF: common factor; M.Inh: motor inhibition; V.Inh: verbal inhibition; WM: working memory.