Table 2.
Comparison of the cumulative lameness percentages across all treatments in the last three weeks on days 42, 49, and 56.
Day | BCO Source in Wire | Diet A—NC | Diet B | Diet C | Diet D |
42 | 36.00 a | 19.00 b | 7.00 c | 14.00 b | 5.00 c |
49 | 65.00 d | 38.00 e | 19.00 f | 40.00 e | 17.00 f |
56 | 83.00 g | 76.00 h | 37.00 j | 74.00 h | 45.00 i |
Diet A: basal diet for 56 days, Diet B: 15% Availa® ZMC for 56 days, Diet C: Diet A on the first four weeks (1–28 d) switched to Diet B on the last four weeks (29–56 d), Diet D: Diet B on the first four weeks (1–28 d) switched to Diet A on the last four weeks (29–56 d). a–j Values with distinct superscripts in the same category are significantly different at p < 0.05.