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. 2024 Jun 4;12(11):1141. doi: 10.3390/healthcare12111141

Table 1.

Participants demographics and telerehabilitation service information.

Variable CALD (n = 145) No-CALD (n = 110) * Unidentified (n = 5) Overall (n = 260)
Age in years, mean (SD) 60.4 (15.9) 61.88 (18.2) 60.97 (16.9) 57.4 (19.6)
Sex , n (%)
            Female 93 (64.1) 69 (62.7) 5 (100) 167 (64.2)
            Male 51 (35.1) 39 (35.4) 90 (34.6)
            Prefer not to say 1 (0.6) 2 (1.8) 3 (1.1)
Highest level of education completed, n (%)
            Year 8 or below 33 (22.7) 13 (11.8) 1 (20) 47 (18)
            Year 10 to Diploma 77 (53.1) 82 (74.5) 4 (80) 163 (62.6)
            Bachelor and above 35 (24.1) 15 (13.6) 0 50 (19.2)
Living with, n (%)
            Alone 16 (11) 24 (21.8) 1 (20) 41 (15.7)
            Partner (husband or wife, de facto partner) 41 (28.2) 35 (31.8) 1 (20) 77 (29.6)
            Family (Partner and children) 68 (46.8) 41 (37.2) 0 109 (41.9)
            Children 18 (12.4) 8 (7.2) 2 (40) 28 (10.7)
            Grandchildren 0 0 0
            Sibling 1 (0.6) 0 1 (20) 2 (0.7)
            Friend or companion 1 (0.6) 2 (1.8) 0 3 (1.1)
Employment, n (%)
            Employed 45 (31) 32 (29) 1 (20) 78 (30)
            Not employed/others 42 (28.9) 25 (22.7) 2 (40) 69 (26.5)
            Retired 22 (15.1) 53 (48.1) 2 (40) 77 (29.6)
Previous telerehabilitation experiences, n (%) 72 (50.7) 60 (56.6) 1 (20) 132 (53.2)

* Unidentified = Participants did not complete details about their cultural and linguistic backgrounds.