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. 2024 May 29;25(11):5907. doi: 10.3390/ijms25115907

Table 1.

Clinical and morphological findings of patients with chronic kidney disease of unknown origin and elevated liver enzymes.

Patient A B C D E
Gender and age (y) at year of admission M, 40 (2008) F, 39 (2015) M, 47 (2003) M, 42 (1999) M, 44 (2003)
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) 15 20 10 9 9
Urinalysis HU+, PU+, GU+ HU neg, PU+, GU+ HU++, PU++, GU++ Data n.a. Data n.a.
Kidney size on US
(cm, right–left)
7.8–8.5 7.5–7.5 6.7–6.9 5.4–5.4 7.5–7.4
Hemoglobin (g/L) 104 105 130 95 109
AST/ALT/GGT (U/L) 26/34/112 48/72/816 37/32/419 70/106/665 51/79/538
Total bilirubin (µmol/L) 8.1/- 7.4/norm 12.6/norm 8.2/norm 10.6/norm
ALP (U/L) 167 480 565 2005 851
Serum total protein (g/L)/albumin (g/L) 77/50 75/44 78/43 77/47 70/43
Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Large bile ducts on US Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Year to ESRD 1.5 0.5 0 0 0
Renal replacement therapy Tx (2010) PD, HD, PD HD HD HD, Tx (2008), HD
HLA status A2, B39,
DR12, DQ6
Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated A2, B51, Cw2
DR15, DQ5
Years with ESRD 8 5 9 4 11
Liver biopsy Not performed Not performed Hemosiderosis (2005) Not performed Hemosiderosis
High blood pressure Yes No No Yes Yes
Type 2 diabetes No No No Yes No
Cause of death Pulmonary aspergillosis (2017) Sepsis (2020) Cardiorespiratory insufficiency (2012) Passed at home (2003) Sepsis (2014)
Karyomegaly End-stage kidney, lung, pancreas,
End-stage kidney, pancreas, portal tracts, soft tissues, heart End-stage kidney, lung Not autopsied End-stage kidney, lung, pericardium, peripheral nerve
Liver Passive hyperemia Passive hyperemia, centrilobular fibrosis focally Passive hyperemia, focal centrilobular necrosis (terminal) - Passive hyperemia
Transplanted kidney No signs of rejection;
no karyomegaly
- - - Signs of chronic rejection; acute pyelonephritis;
no karyomegaly

Abbreviations: ALP—alkaline phosphatase, ALT—alanine transaminase, ASP—aspartate transaminase, eGFR—estimated glomerular filtration rate, ESRD—end-stage renal disease, F—female, GGT—gamma glutamyl transferase, GU—glucosuria, HAV—hepatitis A virus, HBsAg—hepatitis B virus surface antigen, HCV—hepatitis C virus, HD—hemodialysis, HLA—human leukocyte antigen, HU—hematuria, M—male, n.a.—not available, PD—peritoneal dialysis, PU—proteinuria, y—year, Tx—kidney transplantation, US—ultrasonography. The last four rows of the table include the main findings of autopsies.