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. 2024 Mar 26;78(6):1522–1530. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciae069

Table 2.

 Symptoms, Secondary Attack Rates, and Relative Risks for Contacts in Households Without Co-Primary Cases

Index Child's SARS-CoV-2 Status All HH Contact Age Group
<18 Years 18 to <50 Years 50+ Years
Positivea Negativeb Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative
No. (% within SARS-CoV-2 status group) 179 (50 HH) 663 (182 HH) 62 (34.3) 246 (37.1) 92 (51.4) 346 (52.2) 22 (12.2) 63 (9.5)
Any symptoms (clinical SAR) [95% CI] 19 (10.6)[6.5–16.1] 13 (2.0)[1.0–3.3] 3 (4.8)[1.0–13.5] 1 (0.4)[0–13.5] 15 (16.1)[9.4–25.5] 10 (2.9)[1.4–5.3] 1 (4.5)[.1–22.8] 2 (3.2)[0.4–11.0]
RR [95% CI] by HH contact age group (within SARS-CoV-2 status group)  … ref ref 3.4 [1.0–11.2] 7.1 [.9–55.2] 0.9 [.1–8.6] 7.8 [0.7–84.8]
RR [95% CI], SARS-CoV-2–positive vs –negative (within HH contact age group) 5.4 [2.7–10.7] ref 11.9 [1.3–112.5] ref 5.6 [2.6–12.1] ref 1.4 [.1–15.0] ref
Acute respiratory illnessc (%) [95% CI] 7 (3.9)[1.6–7.9] 7 (1.1)[.4–2.2] 1 (1.6)[0–8.7] 0[0–1.5] 5 (5.4)[1.8–12.2] 5 (1.4)[.5–3.3] 1 (4.5)[.1–22.8] 2 (3.2)[.4–11.0]
RR [95% CI] by HH contact age group (within SARS-CoV-2 status group) ref ref 3.4 [0.4–28.1] 7.1 [.9–55.2] 2.8 [.2–43.2] 0.5 [0–5.4]
RR [95% CI], SARS-CoV-2–positive vs –negative (within HH contact age group) 3.7 [1.3–10.4] ref Excluded ref 3.8 [1.1–12.7] ref 1.4 [.1–15.0] ref
Any known illnessd (combined SAR) [95% CI] 25 (14.0)[9.2–19.9] 13 (2.0)[1.0–3.3] 6 (9.7) 1 (0.4)[0–13.5] 18 (19.6)[12.0–29.1] 10 (2.9)[1.4–5.3] 1 (4.5)[.1–22.8] 2 (3.2)[.4–11.0]
RR [95% CI] by HH contact age group (within SARS-CoV-2 status group) ref ref 2.0 [.9–4.8] 7.1 [.9–55.2] 0.5 [.1–3.7] 7.8 [.7–84.8]
RR [95% CI], SARS-CoV-2–positive vs –negative (within HH contact age group) 7.1 [3.7–13.6] ref 23.8 [2.9–194.1] ref 6.8 [3.2–14.2] ref 1.4 [.1–15.0] ref

Data are n (%) unless otherwise stated.

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HH, household; ref, reference; RR, relative risk; SAR, secondary attack rate; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

aSpecific age missing for 3 HH contacts.

bSpecific age missing for 8 HH contacts.

cAt least 2 of: fever or feverishness, cough, sore throat, runny nose.

dTest-positive and/or any symptoms.