Fig. 2.
Cervicovaginal Bacteria Associated With Cervical Carcinogenesis in Latinas. Differences and similarities in the cervicovaginal microbiome composition from (1) healthy state to (2) HPV infection, (3) abnormal cytology/dysplasia, and (4) cervical cancer are depicted. Panel 1 is a light green color indicating an association with vaginal health. The following disease conditions proceed in a pink-to-red gradient according to severity: Panel 2 is light pink for HPV infection, Panel 3 is dark pink for abnormal cytology/dysplasia, and Panel 4 is bright red for cervical cancer. Enrichment or depletion of bacterial taxa associated with each stage is indicated with an up or down arrow, respectively. A question mark denotes differences in reports with regard to bacterial enrichment or depletion within the same panel. Bolded bacteria were reported in more than one study