Fig. 3.
Mass spectrometry analysis of proteins bound to the AtGRP7 transcript after medium-scale tandem capture. (A) Agarose-formaldehyde gel electrophoresis of total RNA in the lysate (input) and the supernatant after probe hybridization (SN) in AtGRP7-GFP grp7-1 plants and grp7-1 control plants. (B) Silver staining of total protein in the lysate (input) and the supernatant after probe hybridization (SN) in the AtGRP7-GFP grp7-1 plants and grp7-1 control plants. The positions of the molecular weight markers are indicated. (C) Relative RNA levels of AtGRP7, AtGRP8, 18 S rRNA, UBIQUITIN10, and eIF4α RNA in the eluates of AtGRP7-GFP grp7-1 plants (top) and grp7-1 control plants (bottom). (D) MA plot of identified proteins displaying the relation between log2 fold-change and the average expression (as log2 TMT signal). The AtGRP7 protein was significantly enriched (red dot). (E) GO term analysis of the molecular function of the proteins identified