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[Preprint]. 2024 Jun 6:2024.06.05.24308376. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.06.05.24308376

Table 3.

Differences in whole-brain, voxel-wise functional connectivity between clusters of JFM patients with lower and higher resilience compared to pain-free adolescents

Contrast Brain Region Cluster Size MNI coord. (x, y, z) T pFDR Cohen's d
Pain-free > JFM higher resilience Paracentral Lobule 143 −8, −26, 76 4.18 .013 1.12
Pain-free > JFM lower resilience Sup Frontal Gyrus R 176 14, 38, 38 5.73 .001 1.47
Mid Temporal Gyrus R 272 72, −34, −14 5.39 <.001 1.38
Paracentral Lobule 1006 −4, −26, 60 5.33 <.001 1.36
Calcarine/ Lingual Gyri 834 24, −66, 10 5.25 <.001 1.34
Mid/Inf Frontal Gyrus L 318 −40, 58, 2 5.07 <.001 1.30
Mid Frontal Gyrus R 150 40, 52, 0 4.98 .003 1.27
Inf Temporal Gyrus L 227 −50, −16, −32 4.97 <.001 1.27
Sup Frontal Gyrus R 115 16, 8, 56 4.90 .009 1.25
Mid/Sup Frontal Gyrus L 134 −26, 6, 46 4.86 .005 1.24
Inf Temporal Gyrus R 310 38, −14, −38 4.79 <.001 1.23
Lingual Gyrus R 98 10, −44, −6 4.73 .017 1.21
Sup Parietal Gyrus L 209 −18, −74, 52 4.73 <.001 1.21
Angular Gyrus R 125 50, −52, 28 4.72 .007 1.21
Precentral Gyrus L 121 −48, 0, 28 4.71 .008 1.21
Postcentral Gyrus R 183 42, −40, 58 4.69 .001 1.20
Sup Frontal Gyrus R 91 18, 60, 4 4.59 .022 1.17
Angular Gyrus L 350 −58, −60, 34 4.43 <.001 1.13
Inf Parietal Lobule L 105 −54, −26, 50 4.43 .014 1.13
MCC 80 2, −24, 34 4.37 .033 1.12
Lingual Gyrus L 136 −14, −42, −8 4.34 .005 1.11
MCC L 75 −12, −24, 34 4.33 .039 1.11
Mid/Sup Temporal Gyrus L 84 −62, −14, 0 4.32 .029 1.11
Med/Sup Frontal Gyrus R 74 10, 26, 60 4.29 .040 1.10
Inf/Sup Parietal Lobule L 75 −28, −56, 48 4.21 .039 1.08
Precuneus R 302 28, −78, 34 4.18 <.001 1.07
Rolandic Operculum L 88 −42, −18, 16 4.03 .025 1.03
Lingual Gyrus L 99 −16, −70, −10 4.01 .017 1.03

Note: If R/L (right/left) is not specified, the cluster was bilateral. Cluster size is presented in number of voxels. Inf: Inferior; JFM: Juvenile fibromyalgia; L: Left; MCC: Midcingulate Cortex; Med: Medial; Mid: Middle; MNI coord: Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates; PCC: Posterior Cingulate Cortex; PCL: Paracentral Lobule; pFDR: False Discovery Rate cluster-level corrected p-value; R: Right. Sup: Superior.