Extended data Fig. 5. Characterizing E0771 tumors in vivo.
a, WT C57BL/6 mice were inoculated to the mammary fat pad with 5*105 E0771 tumor cells. Checkpoint modulating Abs (anti-mPD1 – clone RMP1–14 – 200ug/dose; anti-mCTLA4 – clone 9H10 – 200ug/dose; anti-mCD40 – clone 1C10 – 50ug/mouse) or isotype-matched control Abs were administered systemically, IP, on days 14, 17, 21 and 24. b WT C57BL/6 mice were inoculated to the mammary fat pad with 5*105 E0771 tumor cells. Anti-mCD40 Abs were administered systemically (IP, as described above, in a) or intra-tumorally (IT), on days 14, 17, 21 and 24. Isotype-matched control Abs were administered as control. n=6–7/group. For all panels, average sizes of primary tumors ± SEM are presented in mm3, measured bi-weekly by caliper.