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. 2024 May 18;13(10):e033455. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.123.033455

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of Participants by CVD Among CMEC in Sichuan

Characteristic Total (N=14 427) CVD (n=1837) No CVD (n=12 590) P value*
Age, y 50.29±11.78 58.62±10.99 49.08±11.40 <0.001
Sex, n (%) 0.361
Men 6321 (43.8) 823 (44.8) 5498 (43.7)
Women 8106 (56.2) 1014 (55.2) 7092 (56.3)
Education, n (%) <0.001
No formal school 1607 (11.1) 337 (18.3) 1270 (10.1)
Primary school 2713 (18.8) 464 (25.3) 2249 (17.9)
Junior middle school 4674 (32.4) 589 (32.1) 4085 (32.4)
High school 2619 (18.2) 277 (15.1) 2342 (18.6)
College or above 2814 (19.5) 170 (9.3) 2644 (21.0)
Annal household income (CNY), n (%) <0.001
<12 000 1290 (8.9) 224 (12.2) 1066 (8.5)
12 000–19 999 1706 (11.8) 252 (13.7) 1454 (11.5)
20 000–59 999 5340 (37.0) 711 (38.7) 4629 (36.8)
60 000–99 999 2994 (20.8) 388 (21.1) 2606 (20.7)
≥100 000 3097 (21.5) 262 (14.3) 2835 (22.5)
Marital status, n (%) <0.001
Married or cohabitating 13 119 (90.9) 1643 (89.4) 11 476 (91.2)
Separated or divorced 596 (4.1) 63 (3.4) 533 (4.2)
Unmarried 164 (1.1) 11 (0.6) 153 (1.2)
Widowed 548 (3.8) 120 (6.5) 428 (3.4)
Urbanicity, n (%) 0.829
Rural 6524 (45.2) 835 (45.5) 5689 (45.2)
Urban 7903 (54.8) 1002 (54.5) 6901 (54.8)
Hypertension family history, n (%) 0.329
No 5862 (40.6) 755 (41.1) 5107 (40.6)
Not sure 2727 (18.9) 324 (17.6) 2403 (19.1)
Yes 5838 (40.5) 758 (41.3) 5080 (40.3)
Smoke, n (%) <0.001
Smoking 3674 (25.5) 455 (24.8) 3219 (25.6)
Quitted 960 (6.7) 191 (10.4) 769 (6.1)
Never 9793 (67.9) 1191 (64.8) 8602 (68.3)
Secondhand smoke, n (%) <0.001
No 6789 (47.1) 945 (51.4) 5844 (46.4)
Yes 7638 (52.9) 892 (48.6) 6746 (53.6)
Alcohol, n (%) <0.001
No 6736 (46.7) 991 (53.9) 5745 (45.6)
Yes 7691 (53.3) 846 (46.1) 6845 (54.4)
Indoor air pollution, n (%) 0.005
No 2208 (15.3) 241 (13.1) 1967 (15.6)
Yes 12 219 (84.7) 1596 (86.9) 10 623 (84.4)
Hypertension, n (%) <0.001
No 12 580 (87.2) 1271 (69.2) 11 309 (89.8)
Yes 1847 (12.8) 566 (30.8) 1281 (10.2)
Diabetes, n (%) <0.001
No 13 646 (94.6) 1636 (89.1) 12 010 (95.4)
Yes 781 (5.4) 201 (10.9) 580 (4.6)
MetS, n (%) <0.001
No 11 683 (81.0) 1288 (70.1) 10 395 (82.6)
Yes 2744 (19.0) 549 (29.9) 2195 (17.4)
Obesity, n (%) <0.001
No 10 478 (72.6) 1134 (61.7) 9344 (74.2)
Yes 3949 (27.4) 703 (38.3) 3246 (25.8)
Raised triglycerides, n (%) <0.001
No 9464 (65.6) 1065 (58.0) 8399 (66.7)
Yes 4963 (34.4) 772 (42.0) 4191 (33.3)
Raised high‐density lipoprotein, n (%) 0.586
No 10 084 (69.9) 1274 (69.4) 8810 (70.0)
Yes 4343 (30.1) 563 (30.6) 3780 (30.0)
Raised BP, n (%) <0.001
No 8543 (59.2) 662 (36.0) 7881 (62.6)
Yes 5884 (40.8) 1175 (64.0) 4709 (37.4)
Impaired fasting glucose, n (%) <0.001
No 8515 (59.0) 818 (44.5) 7697 (61.1)
Yes 5912 (41.0) 1019 (55.5) 4893 (38.9)
BMI 24.24±3.28 24.81±3.25 24.15±3.28 <0.001
Physical activity, MET‐h/d 21.92±14.99 18.81±15.16 22.38±14.91 <0.001
DASH score 20.19±4.39 19.95±4.47 20.23±4.38 0.011
Temperature 13.39±1.37 13.45±1.27 13.38±1.38 0.038

Continuous variables are presented as the mean±SD. Categorical variables are presented as numbers (percentages). Differences between cardiovascular disease (CVD) and non‐CVD were examined by t test (for continuous variables) and χ2 test (for categorical variables). BMI indicates body mass index; BP, blood pressure; CMEC, China Multi‐Ethnic Cohort; CNY, Chinese Yuan; DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; MET, metabolic equivalent; and MetS, metabolic syndrome.


P value corresponds for the comparison of characteristics of patients with CVD vs those without CVD.